Configure, Measure, Analyse
- Increase and control people engagement into change.
- Have an estimate cost of change management.
- Make leaders position visible.
- Manage change as a project - task and resources.
- Estimate a Cost of change management.
- Reduce time and cost of change management processes.
- Make decisions upon KPI and other data.
- Interactive Dashboards - view and analyze results.
- Measure what matters for the change.
- Warnings on what, when, who and how in change management.
- Use organisational structure links to manage engagement.
- Combined approach - project management and process management.
- Universal approach to any type of change (customisable tool).
- Next step from methodology to proceess (from WHY to HOW).
- Scalabe way of managing the change - number of groups or geography.
- Digital approach to change management - data, KPI, dashboars.
- Automation and increase of routine operations speed.